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Monday, February 28, 2011

Celebrate Uniqueness!

The most unforgettable college project I've done!

I was an irregular student way back when I was in 4th yr college. As much as I don't want to do something weird during my college life... I just don't have a choice! I have this lesson in my socio-anthropology class about the uniqueness of every individual. We were asked to dress up deviantly in a public place, and take pictures of it. It could be done in a mall,fast food, park, and any public place.. as long as It is PUBLIC. 

I had a hard time thinking what to wear, and hesitant if I would really do such a thing. Until I made up my mind. I dressed up like a show girl in broadway, and ate ice cream in Mc Donald's near our university. I felt so shy and nervous, knowing that I will catch the attention of everybody. I took a lot of pictures with the customers and a fast food crew. Eventually, I became more comfortable and laughed a lot, telling my friends that I won't ever forget what I have done that day. Some were shocked with my get up,some were laughing at me and staring, as if I have done a crime! 

Well, being in the field of Psychology, I give importance with the uniqueness of every individual. I appreciate that experience, because It even made me a more passionate person. I learned that nobody can suppress anyone to be who they want to be. Everyone in this world, whether deviant, or normal... deserves to be respected. Celebrate Uniqueness!

-Mei Saradpon

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