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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mei and Em's edited photos

I made this through instant photo effects from photofacefun.com

Serving my High School Alma Mater

Me and Em finished our high school at Imus Institute, It was the first private, non-sectarian school in our province,established during 1923. I'm proud, that it is well known not only for It's high school education, but as well as for the college degrees it offers. We did not finish college in I.I. though, but I know very well of the quality education It provides at a modest cost. My Mom took up Bachelor of Arts in Economics there, and she's now working as a Human Resource manager in a manufacturing company in our country.

After high school, I went to De La Salle to finish college. I met a lot of friends there, and had a lot of experiences which I will never forget for the rest of our lives. I will always remember all the sleepless nights in finishing our major research, the summer outings with my fellow La Sallians, the stage plays and radio plays we made not just for the fulfillment of our degree but also to satisfy our hunger and passion for arts. The moment I won my first title in a beauty pageant because of my friend's support is tattooed in my memory forever. Finishing college was indeed the greatest and most valuable gift I was able to give my mom. Somehow, It gave her the assurance that a good future is waiting for me. It made me more dignified, and confident, that yes... I could finally call my self a "LADY".

After my life in the university, I started looking for a job, I have sent countless on-line applications and has been through so many exams and job interviews. I was able to pass the exams and pre-employment interviews in some companies in Manila. Banks, Casino, Advertising companies, Airlines, and a lot more. But still, I never felt motivated. Someone introduced me to a certain Chinese company, I was given the opportunity to work there, as an Asst. HR Officer, being in a not so familiar culture, I didn't feel comfortable. I am a Filipino,and the rest is Chinese. They never gave me a clear description of my duty,and I felt like I was just wasting my time sitting and counting minutes so I could go home. Because of this, I decided to quit. It was hard to deal with a different culture despite a competitive salary they offered.

I was jobless for about 2 months, until I received  text message from one of my colleagues, telling me that Imus Institute, which happens to be my high school alma mater is looking for a Psychometrician. I felt interested, since the place was near from home and I am very much familiar with the environment and the people in that campus. I immediately submitted my application, and I am glad that I was asked to demonstrate a psychological exam administration right away. After 3 days of training, I already started with my new job. The salary is not as big compared to other companies, but the job was fulfilling. I work with a nice, friendly and considerate boss. My workmates are loving,and happy to be with. And my days is always made complete and happy by all the Hi's and Hello's of my cute students. 

I just realized how blessed I am. I won't deny that I have plans of going out of the country and settle there, since I also need to have a more progressive career in the future. But working for my high school alma mater is God's way of letting me serve not just Imus Institute, but as well my FAMILY, my COMMUNITY, my Society before going somewhere else, and who knows? I may have been even just of little help to my beloved COUNTRY. 

These are the credits of my profession,which money can never give me.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

check out this site!It's so cool.


It features cute and free photo effects. :-)

It was once just a High school dream!

Way back in high school, I'm used of catching my classmates attention, since I am taller than a normal 15 year old girl by that time. No matter how many times Em told me to join beauty pageants in our school,I just don't feel like joining. It's ironic, since I came from a family of models and beauty queens. I'd rather spend my time eating and hanging out with my friends. Despite this, I know very well about my dream of becoming a model. Even though I did not develop my interest in modeling right away, I eventually told my friends that I'm going to make it someday in the runway. And yes, i did! 

I started modeling after high school for a certain cosmetics and apparel brand in our country. After that, I became a title holder in a beauty pageant in our university, I joined more prestigious pageants,  and I'm glad that I was able to bring home many crowns for my friends and family. 

Now, I am working as a psychometrician,and a fashion and ramp model. Someday, when I already have a family of my own, I will be very proud to show my runway photos to my lovely children. I hope I'll have a child who would be willing to follow my footsteps, If not, I would still be supportive in whatever field he/she would choose to excel.

It was my best-friend Em, who once believed in my talent, and supported me with my craft. She believed in me just like how my Mom did. My high school friends really made a huge part for me to attain my dreams.



it's good to reminisce the moments when i was still in college.., have friends, enjoying life, reading books, falling in love, the feeling of panic and tension that you might fail in your major subject, the famous torture of making a thesis, looking forward for sem-breaks and summer.., but the most wonderful moments are the ones with naughty things, and the feeling of having your deepest..and darkest..Secrets!, whenever i remember those moments, i still can't help but feel the chills of being a teen and having the freedom of worrying nothing but my grades and pride..!

but today onwards i will take responsibility of myself and family, get what i want, and settle all my goals..,
as to where my foot sets me?? it will only be the past of my future and the next thing I will reminisce in my next present time..

so let us all live for today.., for today can be yesterday's tomorrow and tomorrow's yesterday..^^



Monday, February 28, 2011

Celebrate Uniqueness!

The most unforgettable college project I've done!

I was an irregular student way back when I was in 4th yr college. As much as I don't want to do something weird during my college life... I just don't have a choice! I have this lesson in my socio-anthropology class about the uniqueness of every individual. We were asked to dress up deviantly in a public place, and take pictures of it. It could be done in a mall,fast food, park, and any public place.. as long as It is PUBLIC. 

I had a hard time thinking what to wear, and hesitant if I would really do such a thing. Until I made up my mind. I dressed up like a show girl in broadway, and ate ice cream in Mc Donald's near our university. I felt so shy and nervous, knowing that I will catch the attention of everybody. I took a lot of pictures with the customers and a fast food crew. Eventually, I became more comfortable and laughed a lot, telling my friends that I won't ever forget what I have done that day. Some were shocked with my get up,some were laughing at me and staring, as if I have done a crime! 

Well, being in the field of Psychology, I give importance with the uniqueness of every individual. I appreciate that experience, because It even made me a more passionate person. I learned that nobody can suppress anyone to be who they want to be. Everyone in this world, whether deviant, or normal... deserves to be respected. Celebrate Uniqueness!

-Mei Saradpon